Compressors piston
Compressors piston
1 | 4ÂÓ1-5/9Ì3 | 5 | 4ÂÓ1-5/9Ì4 | 9 | 2ÂÓ1,5-2,5 | 13 | ÏÊÑÄ-5,25 | 17 | ÏÊÑ-5,25 | 21 | ÏÊÑ-7 |
2 | 4ÂÓ1-7/11Ì8 | 6 | ÝÊÏÀ-2/150 | 10 | ÝÊ-150/1Ð | 14 | ÏÊÑÄ-3,5 | 18 | ÏÊÑ-3,5À | 22 | ÏÊÑ-10,5 |
3 | 3ÂØ1,6-3/46 | 7 | 3ÂØ1,6-6/10 | 11 | 3ÂØ1,6-10/9 | 15 | ÏÊÑÄ-1,75 | 19 | ÏÊÑ-1,75 | 23 | ÊÓ-2,2 |
4 | 3ÂØ1,6-2,3/230 | 8 | 3ÂØ1,6-10/4 | 12 | 3ÒÈ1,5-1,2/230 | 16 | ÊÒ-6 | 20 | ÊÒ-7 | 24 | ÏÊ-5,25 |
Here you can order a Compressors piston. To buy a Compressors piston, contact the sales department Energomash. Sale of a Compressors piston is carried out to Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, India, Mongolia, other countries in Europe and Central Asia.