Exhauster with undercarriage Ä-15/140

Exhauster with undercarriage Ä-15/140

type Q, suction mode feed mode l* x  b* x h* m*, t ND, 1/min
ÒÄÌ 1000 m3/h Ðv, mm of water. of Art. N, kW Ðv, mm of water. of Art. N, kW m t kW 1/min
Ä-15/140 7,5-15-28 136-145-135 5-9-17 212-225-210 7-14-27 2,0õ2,0õ1,9 1,5 30 750
  10-20-37 242-255-240 11-21-40 380-405-375 17-32-63     45;75 1000

Here you can order a Exhauster with undercarriage Ä-15/140. To buy a Exhauster with undercarriage Ä-15/140, contact the sales department Energomash. Sale of a Exhauster with undercarriage Ä-15/140 is carried out to Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, India, Mongolia, other countries in Europe and Central Asia.

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