Blower 7500-11-1

Blower 7500-11-1

Blower type compressible media Y, kg/mm2 Rated operating conditions drive Overall dimensions, mm
V, m3/min PÊ, àtm Terms of suction n, rev / min N,
Nïð, kV Ndr
Uïð, V L B H
7500-11-1 sinteringgas 1,33 7500 1290 150 0,98 1500 1980 2500 1500 9400 5400 2500 42500

Here you can order a Blower 7500-11-1. To buy a Blower 7500-11-1, contact the sales department Energomash. Sale of a Blower 7500-11-1 is carried out to Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, India, Mongolia, other countries in Europe and Central Asia.

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